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Random musings by Baby Jack

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100 Happy Days of the CMC

Hi Everyone! Well, hopefully spring is here for most of us. I have had my bike out twice, and it snowed the next day both times. I am going to risk it again today and go for a short ride with my friends. Like most riders, I waited patiently for that first ride, and with the winter that seemed to drag on forever, I was beginning to feel a bit caged! The first ride out was tentative, as the roads were covered with sand and grit, but it felt SO AWESOME! I read grizzz's Blob Post about enjo

Baby Jack

Baby Jack

Trying to figure out what works for our Chapter

Yesterday was so cold, dreary, and windy, it hardly felt like spring. Looking at the big piles of dirty snow on the lawn and lane way also take away the feeling that summer is near! John (jayhawkr) and I have been pondering our Chapter, and what works best. Like most of the Officers before me, we sent emails out asking for advice (no response), encouraged Forum postings (very little use) and tried Facebook (the people on the Forum are also the ones on Facebook, so no improvement there).

Baby Jack

Baby Jack

Living the dream of the sandwich generation

The past few weeks, jayhawkr and I have been dealing with family "stuff". It will all work itself out in the end, and as I repeatedly tell myself, every time I feel like I have Life under control, He/She kicks me in the rear just to remind me I don't. I read with envy all you folks who go on long rides and travel the country. While I certainly don't wish my life away, I wonder if I will EVER have the freedom that many of you enjoy. Maybe its choices? Realistically, this is what I am fa

Baby Jack

Baby Jack

Tattoos, Perceptions and Reality

The other day, I received an email at work about inclusion and diversity. I think I work in great place where morale (overall) is pretty good, and where the majority of people are really friendly and supportive. However, the email reminded me of conversations I've had in the past month with my colleagues and with my husband, jayhawkr. The context of the conversations with the staff revolved around an important part of my life - riding motorcycles. While I'm a huge fan of Sons of Anarchy, ther

Baby Jack

Baby Jack

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