Trying to figure out what works for our Chapter
Yesterday was so cold, dreary, and windy, it hardly felt like spring. Looking at the big piles of dirty snow on the lawn and lane way also take away the feeling that summer is near!
John (jayhawkr) and I have been pondering our Chapter, and what works best. Like most of the Officers before me, we sent emails out asking for advice (no response), encouraged Forum postings (very little use) and tried Facebook (the people on the Forum are also the ones on Facebook, so no improvement there).
We are in a rural Community with no larger urban centres, so our membership will always be smaller. There are other riding groups, such as ABATE, Steelhorse Riders and a few others - but their riders are not likely to join CMC for a variety of reasons.
Sometimes there are periods of self-doubt. Perhaps people who can ride more than a Mom with young kids should be part of this group, someone who can ride more. But this assumes that the people in our Chapter want to ride more - I don't really know what they want.
The ROMEO rides are always well-attended by a few of our members, but this excludes the ones who work on Fridays. John has posted some weekend lunch events to bring out the others. The Freeze King and Willies Burger Stop just opened, so we will be doing some after-work ice cream rides when it warms up. We will restart our weekly Meet and Greets at the end of the month and hopefully the weather is better!
We are also going to try more picnic lunches - this will allow for more riding in a short ride, and less sitting. Its easy to blow off 1.5 hours going to a restaurant with a group - if we only plan a 5 hour ride, we've lost most of our day. I'd rather sit outside in the sun anyway.
For me, and probably John, the social aspect of CMC is as important as the riding. We will be planning to meet up more often with the other local groups and join in their fun! Its much harder to develop the camaraderie in a smaller group that doesn't meet up as often.
I know Bob and Rob also put a lot of thought into planning different rides and thinking of the same challenges - wondering if there are officers from other rural chapters with new ideas too?
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