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Looking for side car information


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I ride a 2006 Kawasaki Nomad, 1600cc and am thinking of adding a side car so my better half can ride more comfortably.

Anyone with any experience or suggestions to pass along?

Anyone with a suitable side car to sell?

Any information that will help me make a more knowledgable decision would be appreciated!

Many thanks!


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Oh Grace would look lovely in that Dennis.

I don't know if it was done up in polished stainless it could be a trend setter, You could put a lazy boy recliner in there or a mattress even. :lol::lol::lol:

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Thanks for the help :D I will run it past GRace and see what she thinks :lol: although I will not mention the "live stock" comment ;);)

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Thanks for the help :D I will run it past GRace and see what she thinks :lol: although I will not mention the "live stock" comment ;);)

Just let her know that comment was not from me ;);););)

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Just let her know that comment was not from me ;);););)

You found the Sidecar. Just Sayin what it looks like to me. LOL

It could also maybe a Milking station On wheels.

Again Just sayin.

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We had a side car for quite awhile and just recently sold it as I purchased my own bike.

I will pass this message to my husband, Thumper, as he did alot of research on side cars and has contacts. :D

Thanks Bambi :D Much more helpful than those other replies :lol::lol:

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The following link will have all the info you need and will also have all the top people in North America to ask the questions too

It's a free forum that taught me everything I needed. Don't get sucked into buying something you will hate. Inform yourself before you buy ANYTHING! You may also not like the end result as it took me some time to warm up to it once the car was on. I do miss it once in a while. The higher the horsepower your bike is the better it will be with a sidecar. You 1600 should work very well

There is also a guy north of Bellville named Tom O'Leary who has a waiting list to install sidecars to bikes as he is one of the best in Canada.

He builds subframes that attach to both the bike and the car,,,sets them up perfectly and then you are set but it aint cheap! He also sells different brands that may interest you. R&T Motorad .

Once you attach a sidecar it makes for heavy steering. You may also have to modify steering to make it lighter if it will be a full time rig. Sidecars also reduce gas mileage buy 25% and increases wear and tear by 25% on your drive train. You also loose the leaning of the bike and at higher speeds have to ride it like a snowmobile leaning in and out. That part is actually fun! It's an entirely different riding experience but it is a fun one.

Good luck!


My rig was new from the factory at $7000 for the sidecar. Hannigan ,,,one of the best but also most expensive,

my bike was too underpowered at 52 hp. You need at least 75hp to run a hannigan on the freeway at any length and at 100+. It would do 80km/hr all day long though.

Here is the other top link in North America


Thanks for the info :D Now I just need to spend some time :D

I am looking for something with either a door, or front flip-up so my wife can get out....getting in isn't the problem. Much like our riding together, she has no difficulty getting on but the results of an accident have made getting off difficult, particularly the longer we ride.

Thanks again :D

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