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Storing Bike


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I have always stored my bike in a heated basement. :D

This year it will be in a garage not heated. :(

Is there anything I should do to it other than what I did when I stored it in the basement/ :mrgreen:


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what did you do to the bike to prepare it for storage in the past?


I have always stored my bike in a heated basement. :D

This year it will be in a garage not heated. :(

Is there anything I should do to it other than what I did when I stored it in the basement/ :mrgreen:


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  • 1 month later...

Or you could just ride it once in a while over winter...We put stabilizer in the fuel (seafoam usually) and keep the gas tank filled. We park the bikes on scraps of carpet (for the tires) and connect them to a battery tender. We do regular oil changes but nothing special over winter. When the weather is good and the roads are clear and dry, we ride! After riding I clean the bikes. so they don't suffer from any salt they may have encountered.

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  • 5 months later...
Guest Roamer
This is what I do (carburated bike)

By the time winterising is over, Prozak bottle is ready for use cuse riding season is over and I get all f@#$%d up. :x

This steps work for me and for smooth start up next season.

You might get away without prozak! :mrgreen:

As I was reading through your comprehensive procedure, I was beginning to feel very ashamed for not doing half of the things that you do. But then, I haven't had to resort to Prozac yet either, so maybe I`m doing something right.

Personally, I think that the best procedure is to move south for the winter. You get to ride 12 months of the year and don`t have to worry about your baby rusting out from the inside out. Unfortunately I haven`t been able to sell my wife on the idea yet.

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Unfortunately I haven`t been able to sell my wife on the idea yet.

Sell the wife!! :mrgreen::lol:

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For winter storage. I add stabilizer, take battery out, change the oils. And lift of the ground. I have heard that SEAFOAM will eat the rubber hose from your tank to your carbs, Works great for cleaning your carbs, but not for winter storage.

Hope this helps.

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