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Leather Treatments


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I use mink oil to condition or weather proof, and sometimes saddlesoap to clean. Works well on saddlebags too. Can use dubbin on saddlebags or shoes, but it's a bit heavy for jackets.

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  • 1 year later...

for the whole bike I use pledge furniture polish...at first I thought it was ridiculous prodouct to use then after some online research I found it to be the motorcycle cleaner of all motorcycle cleaners. rubber, leather, metal, painted nonpainted surfaces, glass/mirrors ....it is truly amazing stuff....plus it leaves your bike smelling fresh and lemony

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That's all I use now too. Its great to be able to wipe the bugs off the windshield without any effort at all, plus like he said it polishes up everything.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I use Lemon Pledge as well but I tried this stuff called "Bugs b Gone" by Sea Foam for my windshield. I was hesitant at first but now I swear by it. Just spray it on, wait a minute and hose it off. Very little or no scrubbing. I got mine at Car Quest. Only downfall is you have to have access to water. It activates the ingredients in the spray.

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