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New exhaust put bike off balance !


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Here's one that I did not see coming!

I swapped out my stock exhaust (2001 Suzuki Intruder 1500) for a set of Vance & Hines Dragsters...Sweet..

But, now the bike is light on the right side and off balance. I'm having to put push on the right handle bar all the time, just a bit but it's annoying.

Has anybody had this problem after putting on a much lighter set of pipes, and what was the fix? I can imagine adding a weight to the right side - is that the only way?


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Fill up your wallet ...let the moths out....lol..never heard of this...pm Dave Wallace ..the builder he has same bike with aftermarket pipes

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"never heard of this", Oh that's not good, you have sooo many many years of experience...LOL

I'll check with DaveMan - Thanks Bro!

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I think you have other issues, Bird.

I can ride around with 20lbs in one saddlebag and the other empty with no handling/steering issues.

How are your steering head bearings??

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Maybe you are just turning around in the seat to see where all the noise is coming from and it seems like off balance ?  ;)

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I have a slight "drift" to one side ( when I drive with no hands) on my bike as well and I was reading that it could be a rear tire not running true, meaning it may be out of alignment, I will check and see if I can find the article........if memory serves me right it wasn't an costly repair if done yourself but one that requires more mechanical ability have I have....my fix is that I don't drive with out at least one hand on the bars.......lol



Tim  ....  The 'drift' you speak of is because you are not seated correctly in the centre for your bike's balance point.


I had a friend that always complained about his bike 'drifting'  to one side, or another when he took his hands off the bars. I told him he wasn't sitting right on the seat and he swore he was.

He tried it one time when we were touring together and I told him he had to shift his weight on the seat a tad off to the one side.

He did that and before long, he was able to ride with no hands on the bar. He was a bit tentative at 1st, but soon grew comfortable with it.











I've been very comfortable riding with no hands for a long time.


Do not try this at home Kids!   :geek:










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thanks I will give it try with my buddy "Biker Bob"  riding behind me( once spring arrives here in Sudbury )........I do have back problems and maybe I sit a bit crooked in the saddle( subconsciously )....maybe.....lol

Never know Tim, hopefully it is just a simple solution :)

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LOL...I gota say I'm not thinking that it has anything to do with my changing the exhaust set on my beloved Thunderbird!

What I'm getting from this discussion of masters is that I may have an aliginment or tire issue that desided to bug me just as I bolted on my new "sound machines".

Well then, this system/forum works for me brothers! Thanks...I'll send you all free wheel weights...LOL  

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Hmmmmm.. sounds to me like there is another issue here and it is not to do with the bike ;)


I just came back from the shop, had a full case of AMSOIL in one bag (forgot my key to open the other side) and a full tour pack of groceries and the only thing that pulled was the shop keeper trying to get more money out of my wallet.

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I think your issue is actually one of the tires is not running true or you have a belt in one of your tires shifted ( starting to separate ).if you load one of your saddle bags and leave nothing in the other your bike should will still run / track true . I had a similar issue and found it to be a shifted belt in the front tire , however there is the possibility of your fork bearing being an issue ( raise the front wheel off the ground and slowly move the bars from left to right to see if you can find a " flat spot "

good luck

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