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Aviation Fuelled Motorcyclist

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Blasting The Winter Blahs



So, the seasonal cold weather threatens to hang around longer than your body's core temperature would like. Depending on where you reside in Canada, the evil Ninja twins, Win & Min (Winter and Motorcycle Insurance) conspire to settle in for their usual six-month, in-your-face mockery of all that is decent and warm.

Well, if I cannot ride my bike due to my seasonally challenged, geographic location north of the 49th parallel, then maybe I can offset some of the sub-zero doldrums by practicing how to rise above the weather; literally, figuratively and well....virtually.

Take a gander at the video clip below. :)

Disclaimer & Statement of Accountability: Any and all incorrectly described procedures or phraseology contained in this video, are my responsibility alone, and should not be construed as currently authentic in the real world. It has been a while since I actually flew as a Commercial pilot, (over 25 years), so rules and regulations have likely changed....not to mention any degradation in my actual knowledge, aptitude and skill level. Just sayin'. :)


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Unbelievable video Stafford.:-D Mike says to tell you that he actually held his breath while landing at Billy Bishop Airport.

Thankyou for sharing your interesting life with us. We really enjoy! ? Mike says he will stick with motorcycles though, they are less complicated. :wink:

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Thank you Mary. :) I had a lot of fun back in my early flying days in British Columbia. I love sharing anecdotes; so long as I do not end up boring anyone. :) And yes...Mike is correct...motorcycles by and large, are a tad less complicated to operate! :) 

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Thanks for the flight Stafford.  I have had a couple of opportunities to experience short circuit demo flights from Buttonville with pilot friends.  This simulation brought back fond memories.  I enjoyed many hours on my flight simulator software a few years ago.  I will take another run at it this winter, inspired by your demo. ✈️ ?


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You are welcome Rigger. When I have time I may get a few more posted. A good way to deal with being indoors during Winter. :)

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