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Looking Out The Window

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An Open Challenge




This has got to be the worst day on record!! Ok, I will rephrase this – this has to be the worst day on record!!! Yes Stafford, this is just for you and all the rest of you.

I am looking out the window and what do I see? People running around sleeveless and in shorts. The bikes outnumber the cars – well not really, but there are so many out! My ride is sitting all covered up, plugged into the charger and crying. Yes, crying. She wants to be out on the road so bad and the only excuse I have for her not being out is that I have no excuse. At 11° it is so hard being penned up in this cage like the other wild animals. To make matters even worse, I just checked the forecast for the weekend - it is supposed to be rain, rain and more rain. I hate Fridays.

But seeing the sunshine and all the scoots tearing up the road, I can only start to think that spring and summer are around the corner. May is coming and that means Motorcycle Awareness Month. As with any tradition, the Law Enforcement Crews will be out in full force to make their statements, the bikers will be out in full force stating that loud pipes saves lives (I am really getting tired of hearing that one) and there will the cagers who don’t give a rat’s a$$ about the biker and will be hell-bent to take us out no matter what.

So at this point, I would like to put out a challenge to all CMC Chapters to come up with a poster for Motorcycle Awareness Month and post the link to it here. That is the easy part. I will attempt to get the Provincial Officer’s Board to spring up bragging rights for the Chapter that makes the best poster and see if we can do a National Campaign. You might end up with only the bragging rights, but the truth is, you will also be helping the motorcycling community as a whole. So who’s up for the challenge?

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Definitely a worthwhile challenge Mike.


On behalf of CMC 036 Orangeville I will take a kick at this.

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I can only speak for myself .... but it sounds very cool, I will take a stab at it.


Is there any criteria or is it as simple as poster+bike awarness ?

ei. should it have any CMC branding etc. ?

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Yes, the Madison is authorized and use your imagination.  Only rule is make the point.

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Baby Jack


Hmmmmm....I am creative in terms of ideas, but jayhawkr is the creative one artistically.  Given that we are most likely stuck at an arena all weekend, we could use this time to throw some ideas out there!  

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Ok here is a first draft :)

First time working with Photoshop - Downloaded a 30 day trial from Adobe.



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OK...here is 036 Orangeville's submission. :)



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Guest Trixie


I only stumbled across this but I would love to work on something if it is not too late!

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After a vote by the National Officer's Board, the winner is Rob!  Congrats Rob, and thank you everyone for your entries.

The board has also agreed to present Rob a $50 Gift Voucher to the CMC Gear Store.

Congrats again!!


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thCongratulationsCAVJQWS0.gif Rob "Aces N Eights" from CMC 003. :D Really like 'the shoe on the other foot' :D

Everyone else did so well also. :D Must of been very hard to pick a winner!

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Thanks :D


Cheers to all the other GREAT SUBMISSIONS :D


Good Job CMC

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Guest SunRider


Enjoy your prize, an all expenses paid trip to the Bahamas, Rob!  :)

... oh wait, that's the runner up prize.  Well, enjoy the $50 CMC Store Voucher then!

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