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  1. CMC Bylaws

    CMC Bylaws

  2. CMC Participation Waiver Forms

    Please click the Download links below to acquire the actual forms to sign

    The Canadian Motorcycle Cruisers riding club and membership in its entirety, herein after referred to as CMC, is a NON-PROFIT organization, operating with the sole purpose of promoting good, clean, and safe riding activities. Each member participates in activities solely by choice and participation itself relinquishes any responsibility of the CMC as an organization for any and all liabilities resulting in participation in any club ride, gathering or social activity. 

    All activities and events must comply with any and all provincial or local laws and ordinances. Any personal injury or property damage resulting during a club ride or social activity at any time, becomes the responsibility of the individual parties directly involved only, and at no time shall the CMC be held liable. 

    Any individual involved in any illegal activities will be immediately suspended from the CMC until a further review of the situation by their Provincial/Regional Officer and subject to immediate removal from all club rosters and membership roles and forbidden to claim any and all association with the CMC.
    Please read the Bylaws and Waiver and to accept these terms and conditions click on the “I Agree” icon in the field below. By not agreeing to these terms and conditions you will forfeit your eligibility to partake in any CMC ride and activities.

    “I acknowledge having had the opportunity to seek independent legal advice prior to accepting the terms of this waiver."

    CMC Waiver Forms - PDF Format

    CMS Waiver Forms - DOCX Format


  3. CMC Provincial Chapter List

    CMC Chapters By Province

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